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EL BARCO COMO INSPECCIÓN COMERCIAL DE LA USCG UPV, CON LICENCIA USCG CAPTAIN 100 GT MASTER , PODEMOS ORGANIZAR CUALQUIER TIPO DE FIESTA PARA TI, CUMPLEAÑOS, DESPEDIDA DE SOLTERA, ETC. NOS ENCANTARÍA QUE TE UNIERAS A NOSOTROS PARA DISFRUTAR DE UNA EXPERIENCIA REALMENTE INCREÍBLE BAJO EL SOL, ¡LOS BANCOS DE ARENA SON FENOMENALES ! ALQUILER DEL BARCO: incluido, combustible y tarifa del muelle de desembarque* No se requiere propina para la tripulación, pero se agradece enormemente. ¡Nuestra tripulación trabaja arduamente para asegurarse de que pases el mejor día en el agua! UBICACIÓN DEL BARCO: La recogida y la entrega se realizarán en: 1. SUNNY ISLANDS BEACH (muelle de aterrizaje), 2. Aventura Mystik Pointe, embarcadero en el puerto deportivo Llegue 15 minutos antes de la hora programada y el fletamento comenzará a la hora acordada. Si llega tarde, es posible que no podamos proporcionarle tiempo adicional a menos que se acuerde lo contrario. ITINERARIO Dependiendo de la duración de su reserva de chárter, el capitán y la tripulación le mostrarán los mejores lugares y atracciones locales posibles dentro del tiempo de alquiler asignado. Sunny Isles Beach «Houlover Sandbar» «Oleata park Laguna». Visita las casas de los ricos y famosos . INCLUYE: agua fría, hielo, toallas para nadar y colchonetas hinchables. LO QUE DEBE LLEVAR: Lleve consigo los alimentos o bebidas que desee. QUÉ NO DEBES LLEVAR: • Prohibido el acceso al mar abierto• Tolerancia cero en relación con las drogas a bordo, incluida la marihuana* No se admiten mascotas a bordo por motivos de alergia de otros futuros clientes. * No está permitido llevar consigo lociones autobronceadoras ni cremas autobronceadoras a bordo ni contigo, ya que manchan la tapicería de los yates. * Evite usar prendas de mezclilla o jeans, ya que los tintes pueden filtrarse en la tapicería del yate cuando está mojada . * No use pelucas o tejidos teñidos. La tinta se filtra por la humedad y puede manchar el yate. * No se permite el uso de vino tinto a bordo, ya que también puede derramarse y dañar los yates. * No se permiten barbacoas, narguiles, hachís u otros artículos que utilicen llamas abiertas, gas, propano, carbón, etc. NO SE PERMITE USAR PURPURINA NI CONFETI EN EL YATE. Escribir** Si durante el viaje planeas quedarte en un restaurante. VIAJE MÍNIMO DE 6 HORAS* El arrendatario debe reservar previamente el espacio del muelle para el yate. *** Política de reembolso (en caso de mal tiempo, reembolsa el 100% de tu dinero) : 80% de probabilidades de que llueva o más (promedio durante el período de alquiler), según la ubicación de Miami Beach . - Vientos de 25 mph o más el día del alquiler. - La decisión de cancelar por mal tiempo queda a discreción del capitán, según la política de GetMyBoat.
We LOVED everything about the boat and the crew! Campaign Yuri and 1st mate Alena took amazing care of our party of 4. We brought our own food and drinks, she arranged everything and set it all up for us! We barely had to get up for anything! First class service and the boat is very nice! Yuri talked about where we would like to go and for how long, it was so relaxing. We avoided all the storms, he was a pro captain. Alena is the real rock star! We played our own music and had a fantastic time. Easy directions to marina. Will definitely use them again.
Yuri and his mate were awesome! We had a great time celebrating my sister's bachelorette party on his beautiful boat! They had a cooler and ice ready for us so we could put drinks in there. When we anchored they had a few floats they blew up for us so we could hang out in the water and a few towels for us to use when we got out. Overall was a great experience and would recommend Yuri to anyone looking to rent a boat in this area.
My family and I had a great time on Yuri’s boat this past weekend. The weather was really unpredictable the day we went out on the boat but luckily it didn’t rain at all during our trip. Yuri and Vlad were excellent hosts. Yuri pointed out different places along the waterway and Vlad was superior at setting out our food and serving our drinks. We never had an empty bottle of beer or empty glass of wine or champagne the entire trip thanks to Vlad. He was so skilled at setting out the food at the right times and changing out what we were eating at the perfect time! Yuri took us out to a nice spot where we stopped and swam and relaxed on the floats. We will definitely take another trip with Yuri and Vlad in the future. Thanks Yuri and Vlad for a wonderful time!
We had such a great experience with Yuri and Vlad on Christmas Day. Yuri was prompt in his responses when I was inquiring about the trip’s details (before booking). Yuri was flexible in the timing of the trip. I contacted Yuri the day before the trip and he was able to accommodate us on short notice. Vlad was very helpful throughout the trip, making sure we were comfortable and that we had everything we needed (towels, tubes, waters). He even helped us with making drinks and bringing up our food from the cabin for us. We had a blast!!
Great captain 👨✈️ we had an amazing time the yatch was nice and clean and very big and spacious and also has a great price for renting his yatch... Caption Yuri is a wonderful caption my husband enjoyed his yatch party and we will definitely be doing busy again with him😎
We love to spend time on the water and we are excited to be listed with GetMyBoat making boats more accessible to everyone that wants to get out on the water. We look forward to showing you the local area by water and doing everything we can to provide an amazing boating experience. If you are visiting for fun or simply looking for a relaxing time locally and want to get out and enjoy all the amazing waters this place has to offer.
Recibirás indicaciones para llegar al lugar de salida cuando hagas la reserva.
50% reembolso de la cantidad oferta hasta 5 días antes.
Reglas del barco: SIN PROTECTOR SOLAR, SIN COLORANTES, SIN MARIHUANA NI OTRAS DROGAS, ES MEJOR QUE NO ENCARGUES MI YATE SI TE GUSTA USARLO No hay comida ni bebidas en la cabina No se puede pescar en el barco, fumar solo en el exterior, en el área de la plataforma de baño, no se permite la pipa de agua ni inyecciones de gelatina SOLO SE PERMITE NADAR CUANDO el motor del yate esté apagado y el barco esté anclado. NO VAMOS A AGUAS POCO PROFUNDAS, ANCLADAS ALREDEDOR DE BANCOS DE ARENA DE 7 A 8 PIES DE PROFUNDIDAD