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Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 piesAventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 piesAventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 piesAventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies

Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies

Con Capitán

Siéntese, relájese y disfrute de todas las increíbles vistas de Seattle y descubra lo que hace que el noroeste sea tan especial. Reserve el velero Hunter 320 para hasta 6 huéspedes. Tarifa tan baja como 180$ por hora y una reserva mínima de 3 horas. Qué puede esperar: Su aventura comienza cuando embarcamos en el puerto deportivo de la bahía de Shilshole, preparándonos para zarpar mientras rodeamos el rompeolas. A lo largo de esta aventura de navegación de 3 horas, tendrás la oportunidad de aprender a navegar o simplemente dejarnos hacer el trabajo y disfrutar de: ● La fresca brisa del océano. ● Vistas espectaculares de las Montañas Olímpicas, el centro de Seattle, The Space Needle, The Great Wheel, Mount Rainier, grandes yates y enormes portacontenedores de la Marina Mercante ● Vida silvestre como focas, leones marinos , pequeños usos, peces saltarines y, en raras ocasiones, orcas y ballenas jorobadas residentes en el sur ● Aventura privada para un grupo de hasta seis pasajeros Si tiene alguna pregunta, pulse «Enviar consulta» y estaremos encantados de aclararle cualquier cosa o personalizarla según sus necesidades.

Captain Dylan

Captain Dylan

115 reservas totales
6 pasajeros
Monocasco de Crucero


5.0 (29 reseñas)
  • Exactitud del anuncio

  • Salida y regreso

  • Embarcación y equipo

  • Comunicación

  • Valor

  • Itinerario y experiencia

  1. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  2. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  3. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  4. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  5. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  6. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  7. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  8. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  9. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  10. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  11. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
  12. Aventura a vela en Puget Sound en un velero Hunter de 32 pies
30 foto ha sido agregada por los clientes que reservaron este anuncio.
  1. MA


    Russ is a fun extremely personable great Captain. we could not have asked for a better afternoon on the water in the sailboat. nothing was said to us about what we may see and we had no idea whales would be there and we saw several. 3 within 20ft of the boat. My wife and daughter had never been on a boat before and today was the absolute highlight of their summer and mine too. Thank You Russ for a great wonderful cruise. To anyone giving thought to this sailboat cruise dont wait it is more than worth it in every way. great memories will be made that is for sure. Marc

  2. AD


    My husband and I traveled from North Dakota to WA to visit some friends. This was our very first sailing experience and we had so much fun. We were lucky enough to spot a few orcas in Puget Sound. Captain Russ was very nice and accommodating. The boat was beautiful. I would highly recommend booking a cruise with Captain Dylan/Russ if one is ever in the Seattle area. You will not be disappointed. We would definitely book again.

  3. MP


    This was our second excursion with this company- first on Lake Washington and next on Puget Sound. We had a fantastic time (6 people). From the start Captain Russ was proactive in his communication and the sail was a beautiful afternoon and view. Highly recommend and we will book back again.

  4. HL


    We had the best Sunday with Captain Russ! We definitely weren’t the quietest group of girls and he didn’t seem to mind that at all. It was great to learn about sailing as it was all our first time and Russ was happy to share about his experience. A fun day out on the water with great Seattle weather was everything we wanted, and the awesome captain was a plus! Would recommend this to anyone that’s itching to get out on the water. It’s so worth it, especially because you don’t have to book crazy in advance either. Thanks again Captain Russ!

  5. Rohnda

    From start to finish, this company was an absolutely pleasure to work and play with. Setting up our trip and reserving it was a breeze. Our captain Russ was great! Gave us an excellent tour despite the sky being a bit on the gloomy side. He assured us we’d still get a gorgeous sunset and we absolutely did. We also got to take turns going up to the front of the boat. When we arrived he was waiting by the dock before leading us to the sailboat so he wasn’t hard to find at all. Will use them again and highly recommend to others.

Captain Dylan

Captain Dylan

115 reservas totales

Captain Dylan is a young man that has pursued many avenues and aspired to be many things. He spent time in the commercial diving industry, traveling to Alaska and Louisiana. He spent time in the cruise industry working for Holland America in the Yukon Territory and Alaska. He then decided to return to Seattle with the intention of rejoining the restaurant industry to become a bartender, go to college, and live on a boat. Dylan had no idea how he would fall in love with the Puget Sound live aboard lifestyle, and his first boat. “Candére” is a 28’ long Thomley cabin cruiser. She was built in Auburn, Washington in 1972. When Dylan purchased her in 2011, she was fully functional, but old and tired. After many breakdowns and misadventures he decided that he needed a new boat, or needed to restore Candére to better than new condition. With a rudimentary base of knowledge in woodworking, mechanics, and electrical, as well as an uncanny drive and work ethic, Dylan embarked on a journey that would utilize and enhance these skills and instincts that have come to define him in a mere 26 years. Now a skilled craftsman, artist, mixologist, and Coast Guard licensed Captain, Dylan, his father, and a few of his closest friends are excited to share the beauty and joy that is Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.

Características y Detalles

32 Pie

Ubicación aproximada

Recibirás indicaciones para llegar al lugar de salida cuando hagas la reserva.

La ubicación aproximada del barco en un mapa.
Ubicación aproximada

Política de cancelación

Reembolso completo de la cantidad oferta hasta 3 día antes.

Términos e información adicionales

Alentamos a todos los huéspedes a usar zapatos planos. Los tacones puntiagudos no son seguros en el muelle y los zapatos con plataformas más altas son menos estables en un barco en movimiento :-) . De lo contrario, ¡solo tienes que venir vestido para la temperatura! También recomendamos siempre una capa extra porque siempre hace un poco más de frío en el agua. #What para llevar/Qué no traer: no dudes en traer cualquier comida y bebida sin alcohol. Se permite cerveza y vino, sin alcohol, por favor. - ¡Trae tu cámara! -Se recomienda usar protector solar y gafas de sol en verano. Consejos y pautas #Other Llegue entre 15 y 20 minutos antes, ya que salimos justo a tiempo. Importante: Todas las indicaciones o mapas proporcionados por Candere Cruising son solo una guía aproximada. Eres responsable de llegar a tiempo al lugar de la reunión de la actividad, así que asegúrate de consultar con una segunda fuente que pueda proporcionarte instrucciones específicas desde tu punto de partida . #Detailed Directions La Kingsley y su capitán os esperarán en el «O-Dock» del puerto deportivo de Shilshole Bay. La dirección que se debe usar para el GPS es 7001 Seaview Ave NW #100. Le recomendamos encarecidamente que utilice los servicios de Lyft, Uber o taxi, ¡ya que el estacionamiento es limitado! Si tienes que conducir, el aparcamiento público está en el lado sur del edificio principal o en la fila más cercana a la calle en el lado norte. Tu capitán te recibirá en la puerta de «O-Dock», al norte del edificio principal. En el barco hay un baño principal y antes de partir le ofreceremos un baño en tierra .

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