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Yamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, TexasYamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, TexasYamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, Texas

Yamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, Texas


5.0(10 Reseñas) ·
64 Reservas

¡Disfruta de la aventura y siente la adrenalina de andar en moto acuática en Galveston! ¡Debe tener experiencia previa! El precio incluye la recogida de combustible y la entrega a la rampa pública para botes. Los chalecos salvavidas de talla XS a 3XL para motos acuáticas estarán llenos de combustible a la llegada . No se debe abonar un depósito por adelantado, pero si hay daños en la moto acuática, GETMYBOAT cobrará un depósito. ** Debes tener más de 25 años para alquilar** Esta moto acuática puede alcanzar una velocidad de 120 km/h y soportar cómodamente un peso total de 600 libras. Si tienes alguna pregunta, podemos responderla a través de la plataforma de mensajería de GetMyBoat antes de pagar. Simplemente pulsa «Enviar consulta» y envíanos una consulta para obtener una oferta personalizada .



495 reservas totales
2 pasajeros
Motos de agua y vehículos acuáticos personales
Alquiler de motos de agua


5.0 (10 reseñas)
  • Exactitud del anuncio

  • Salida y regreso

  • Embarcación y equipo

  • Comunicación

  • Valor

  • Itinerario y experiencia

  1. Yamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, Texas
  2. Yamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, Texas
  3. Yamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, Texas
  4. Yamaha VX Cruiser HO en alquiler en Galveston, Texas
4 foto ha sido agregada por los clientes que reservaron este anuncio.
  1. Alex

    From start to finish Dusan was on point with booking. Any questions? He instantly answered them, he made sure to fully explain where to go and where not to go for your personal safety not to mention he makes sure he runs through every thing down to a tee to make your experience the best there is and to make sure that you're safe while you enjoy one heck of a jet ski rental. 12/10 recommend him. He's prompt and always receptive, I've rented from many jet ski places before and I've NEVER had as good of service and communication as I did with Dusan.

  2. UP


    Communication was on point and had an amazing attitude on top of it. He directed us well and gave us an amazing first time jetski experience we’ll never forget. I would recommend 100% percent to anyone

  3. EF


    Sean was great very easy to communicate, answer all of iur questions and explained everything that we needed to do in detail. We had a great time! Highly recommend!

  4. BF


    Everything was great. Good communication. Ease of booking. Accurate. Timely. Friendly. Great experience.

  5. KV


    Friendly and professional explained was a great experience.. definitely trying again



495 reservas totales

I am excited to be a part of the GetMyBoat movement in making boats more accessible and affordable to others. I hope to get out on the water more and help boating grow!

Características y Detalles

Yamaha Boats
116 Pie

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Política de cancelación

Reembolso completo de la cantidad oferta hasta 5 día antes.

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