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Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en TacomaBoston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en TacomaBoston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en TacomaBoston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma

Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma

Con Capitán

5.0(10 Reseñas) ·
12 Reservas

Actualmente solo estoy disponible después de las 4:00 p. m. de lunes a viernes y los sábados y domingos todo el día. Combustible y capitán incluidos. El barco sale de Tacoma, pero está dispuesto a remolcar a un área designada a un precio negociado. Los niños menores de 12 años deberán usar un chaleco salvavidas aprobado por la USCG mientras estén en mi embarcación. Como las tallas varían mucho, se solicita que les proporciones a tus hijos su propio chaleco salvavidas. Se proporcionan chalecos salvavidas para adultos . También enseñará habilidades de remolque/remolque, manejo de embarcaciones, fondeo y atraque. He estado operando embarcaciones de 14 a 80 pies toda mi vida. También fui timonel y miembro de la tripulación de un barco de surf y nadador de rescate en la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos. Estarás a salvo durante nuestro tiempo en el barco.



12 reservas totales
6 pasajeros
Barco a motor, pontón y embarcación neumática rígida
Barco de consola central


5.0 (10 reseñas)
  • Exactitud del anuncio

  • Salida y regreso

  • Embarcación y equipo

  • Comunicación

  • Valor

  • Itinerario y experiencia

  1. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  2. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  3. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  4. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  5. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  6. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  7. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  8. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  9. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  10. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  11. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
  12. Boston Whaler de 21' en alquiler en Tacoma
17 foto ha sido agregada por los clientes que reservaron este anuncio.
  1. Courtney

    Brett is an awesome captain and very knowledgeable. My family and I had a wonderful experience and the best time. We have never been fishing on a boat before and now, after the experience we had, we definitely want to go again. I highly recommend to book with Brett. You won’t regret it!

  2. MB


    When we booked our charter with Brett I had no idea what to expect. My brother had requested that his ashes be scattered in Puget Sound near Brown's Point. At the end of the charter, my family all agreed that the scattering was a true tribute to my brother and that Brett was mostly responsible for the charter's success. His knowledge of Puget Sound and his maritime skills were impeccable. His empathy and sharing of events in his life created a closer bond than I thought was possible in three hours. Brett is an excellent conversationalist and his stories about his family, boating, fishing and life in general helped make for a happier day. Although we weren't fishing, it was readily apparent that he could more than hold his own against other fishing captains. I guess in summary we came away very happy and that we were very lucky to have met Brett.

  3. SK


    Brett is a former coast guard who has vast knowledge of boating, marine life and history in the area. He shows you how to operate the boat safely as well as some adventures with permission and that are safe. He is a great communicator and has passion for people as well as water. I would go again with him.

  4. Rachel

    We had the BEST time on Brett's boat! His boat is beautiful, it is plenty of room for four people and is an excellent vessel for any kind of fishing. He answered all of our questions and made us feel safe on the trip. We caught two dogfish and a cod but we also saw seals, jellyfish and a bald eagle. I cannot recommend this charter it was one of our best experiences since moving to Washington.

  5. SB


    Brett was super friendly, and very accommodating. Even with the last minute booking, he was super responsive. He even picked us up directly from the beach in front of our AirBNB on Vashon.



12 reservas totales

Características y Detalles

Boston Whaler
210 Montauk
21 Pie

Ubicación aproximada

Recibirás indicaciones para llegar al lugar de salida cuando hagas la reserva.

La ubicación aproximada del barco en un mapa.
Ubicación aproximada

Política de cancelación

Reembolso completo de la cantidad oferta hasta 7 día antes.

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