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Alquile este nuevo catamarán Power de 50 pies por 750 dólares la hora en Honolulu, Hawái. Tiene capacidad para 49 pasajeros y cuenta con 2 baños, excelente sonido estéreo, amplia cubierta de proa para bailar, iluminación ambiental en todas partes, acceso para discapacitados, escalera fácil de subir y bajar, mucha sombra y terraza, y a solo 5 minutos de Waikiki. Incluye agua de cortesía, además de esnórquel para excursiones de un día. ¡Hay un bar a bordo para que disfrutes bebiendo! Puede organizar un bar alojado. ¡Contáctenos para conocer nuestros menús de catering y bebidas! Este catamarán muy estable y rápido es perfecto para cualquier evento, como una boda o aniversario, una recepción de boda, una despedida de soltero, un crucero familiar mixto, una reunión familiar, una fiesta de cumpleaños, una fiesta de graduación, una fiesta de empresa o un servicio conmemorativo familiar en el mar para esparcir cenizas. Los cruceros pueden incluir la puesta de sol y los fuegos artificiales, bucear con esnórquel, observar ballenas, pescar en los arrecifes, hacer turismo, tomar el sol y escapar de la carrera de ratas durante unas horas en el océano. Tarifas: Mínimo de 2 horas: 1500$. Cobramos un 8,712% adicional por las tarifas portuarias antes de la salida. Siempre se agradece una propina del 15 al 20%. Si tiene alguna pregunta, podemos responderla a través de la plataforma de mensajería de GetMyBoat antes de pagar. Simplemente pulsa «Solicitar reserva» y envíanos una consulta para obtener una oferta personalizada .
We had went to Hawaii to celebrate my sister 40th birthday upon arrival we received the worse news that our little brother had passed we were so heart broken and devastated we wasn’t going to go on the boat ride anymore because we just was not in the mood for anything but we ended up going on the boat trip and it was definitely well needed. We got to release some stress and we even cried our eyes out and jumped into the beautiful blue waters. Thank you Captain Nate and Josh for some much needed time to relax and enjoy the waters. The swim was the best feeling ever. Also my husband had pulled a cramp while swimming and Josh to the rescue thank you so much for bringing my husband back to the boat. Definitely excellent life guard on deck.
Captain Ken was great! Would 100% recommend
Captain & Bartender were both fun & easy going! Boat was clean & well equipped. Our party enjoyed our time. Would definitely rent again next time we're in Oahu!
Great trip! Cheap with enough people. Beautiful views! We had an awesome time. Good communication too and pretty easy to get on.
We had a great time with Captain Ken and his crew. I would definitely recommend them to anyone!
Aloha, It's your captain at the helm. Over 30 years ago I sailed over from the West Coast and started up this company to provide the very best in private boat charters for clients from all over the world. As a sailing refugee from the mainland, I can empathize with our visitors that hail from somewhere that's always too hot, too cold or the wind doesn't blow. Our islands' perfect weather is ideal for sailing and living in comfort, and coupled with an unsurpassed beauty and allure, incredible marine life year round and neighbors full of ALOHA, it truly is, Paradise. I love meeting people from all over the world as they enjoy our island hospitality, culture, sights, history and uniqueness. I hope that my staff and I can bring Aloha into your lives as well. Come sail with us and let us show you the reasons why we call these islands home. A wise man's words from the 19th century still ring true... "Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Recibirás indicaciones para llegar al lugar de salida cuando hagas la reserva.
Reembolso completo de la cantidad oferta hasta 3 día antes.